Root Canals: Why They’re Not as Scary as We Think

root canal treatment in Kennesaw, GA

If you have never had a root canal, you are most likely nervous about your forthcoming treatment. Although root canals have a negative connotation, we are here to dispel such erroneous notions. Your root canal lets a damaged tooth heal and be protected. Moreover, the surgery is not as terrifying as many people believe. Want […]

Root Canal Treatment and Dental Anxiety: How to Cope and Stay Calm

dental anxiety in Kennesaw GA

An approaching root canal makes you anxious? Many people worry they would be difficult and unpleasant based on what they have heard about root canals. Though it can be unpleasant, a root canal is not as frightening as you might believe. Additionally beneficial is mentally getting ready for the operation. Here our six pointers on […]